5 Signs You Are a Spiritual Healer: The Strongest Ones

Kashish Gambhir
3 min readApr 14, 2024


The path of awakening is not a bed of roses !

Image: Canva Pro | title: Spiritual Healer And

The path of awakening is not a bed of roses — it’s of extreme struggles and pains, learning to surrender, to heal, to transform and to change — a path that only the strongest spiritual healers dare to walk on.

Today, we shall explore five clear signs that could indicate you possess the qualities of the strongest spiritual healers in the world.

These signs will not only show you your deeper purpose in this universe but also provide you with a direction and confirmation for your work as a spiritual healer on Earth.

1. Feeling Energy Before It Happens:

Strong spiritual healers can not only feel things around them but also sense things before they happen. It is because they can sense the feelings and energies of people, places, animals, birds and things all around them. With a strong, intuitive connection to the energy in the universe, the strongest healers can even receive visions of the near future.

2. Expressing Gratitude for the Darkness:

Strongest spiritual healers do not cry over the difficulties that life throws at them. Instead, they express gratitude for every new difficulty that they experience. This is because they see such problems as an opportunity to learn more, with the intention to not only find solutions to their own problems but also to be ready to assist others facing similar challenges.

3. Your Mere Presence Changes Reactions of People:

Strongest spiritual healers radiate peace. Their mere presence in a place changes the vibrations of that place and even the reactions and attitudes of the people around them while they are present.

Their presence automatically brings about peace of mind among the people who surround them at that point in time. People are naturally drawn to their radiation of peace, balance, and understanding.

4. Your Presence Brings About Solutions:

Spiritual healers radiating higher vibrations, bring about solutions in the minds of people. The pure positive vibes flowing through such healers automatically bring clarity to the minds of seekers or those seeking solutions to their problems.

spiritual advisor
Image: Canva Pro

5. You Help People Using Your Consciousness:

Your consciousness resides both in this world and the next. While you stay grounded and experience this world in all its completeness, you also experience life as it happens at a much greater level of consciousness; at the cosmic level.

You are able to access the results of different decisions that a person may take during his life. This gives you the ability to help others using your consciousness and become their trusted confidant and guide.

In your presence, individuals find a safe space for letting go of their deepest concerns and issues that are causing them anxiety.

The path to becoming an effective spiritual healer is extremely challenging but it is also highly rewarding.

As the consciousness expands, every step feels like turmoil and heaven at the same time on the spiritual awakening journey.

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Kashish Gambhir is Spiritual Consultant from India (29 yrs experience). She helps people find their best spiritual path and technique that may help their soul to progress in the quickest way possible in this very lifetime.

Having walked the spiritual path for more than 25 years, and having explored almost every technique, method and different religions, along with getting training under one of the greatest spiritual teachers, today Kashish can save at least 9–10 years of exploration on one’s spiritual journey.



Kashish Gambhir

29 years; helping individuals accelerate their spiritual journeys, saving 9-10 years of exploration ✦Book Free Discovery Call ✦ https://subscribepage.io/XVdEFb