Spirituality Is Not Meditation
Oh! Spiritual Healers, The No. Of Followers You Have Is So Less?!
As the elections in my country loomed, some of my friends and family members objected to me speaking about democracy and dictatorship.
“Why do you raise your voice against dictatorship or even talk about it?Aren’t you a spiritual guide? You should focus on spreading meditation and positivity.”
Listening to this statement time and again, has taken me by surprise.
You — the reader — you tell me, “If you were living in a country like North Korea or a country where the threat of dictatorship looms, where unemployment is at its worst and majority of the people are fighting just to fill their stomachs, how much do you think spirituality would be of any use in such a place?”
Spirituality Does Not operate In Isolation
Spirituality isn’t about isolating oneself from the world’s problems; it’s about being deeply connected with the collective consciousness.
While meditation can be a tool to cultivate inner peace and clarity, but if that clarity doesn’t translate into compassionate action, then it falls short of true spirituality.
Spirituality also involves active participation in societal transformation. It’s also about having the courage to stand up against injustice, to speak out for those who cannot, and to use one’s inner wisdom to direct positive change.
“कर्म करो, फल की चिंता मत करो”
“Perform your actions, do not worry of the fruits thereof (leave the results to the Universe)”
~ Sri Krishna, Spiritual Teacher taught this lesson to his disciple Arjuna during the Kurukshetra War .
Don’t take me wrong here. Meditation definitely helps one turn inward but here we are talking about a situation where one’s country is falling into pieces, and you, as a spiritual healer, are well aware of the consequences of certain actions of people via your third eye, and knowing that, you still choose to remain silent. That’s not courage.
Spirituality is made from the word ‘Spirit’ — the Soul. The soul is a part of every living being. This realization should also give us a perspective that when need be, we should be ready to turn the Saint within us into the Warrior that we already are.
The Highest Spiritual Guides Are Warriors
A highly conscious spiritual person is not someone who remains detached and aloof, going to the mountains and ignoring his duties; a highly conscious person is someone, who although detached from the fruits of his Karmas, is truly connected to the spirit and the soul of all, understands the depths of the pain, and can empathize with one and all. And the highest spiritual guide are not meek — they become warriors when they are called to the war.
In times of crisis, the world needs leaders who are spiritually awakened, not just in thought but in action.
These are the individuals who recognize that spirituality encompasses more than personal enlightenment. It includes a responsibility to contribute to the greater good, to fight against tyranny, and to support those who are suffering.
So, if you claim to be on a spiritual path, yet your silence in the face of oppression is deafening, it’s time to rethink what spirituality means to you.
The essence of spirituality is love, compassion, and justice. It’s about rising above self-interest and working towards a harmonious and just society.
There Is A Time for Everything.
While there could be a time to raise one’s voice against injustice, when something has already happened, one should use one’s wisdom to look toward the next steps of action or solutions rather than living in anxiety or stress about the injustice that can’t be taken care of anymore.
We spiritual healers and warriors must learn to collect ourselves and take deep breaths to attain greater wisdom and perform greater actions.
A spiritual healer must look many steps ahead and understand the consequences of their actions. They should direct their communities toward the light. This is their Dharma.
Remember, true spirituality shines brightest in the darkest of times. It’s not just about meditating in a quiet room but about being a beacon of hope and resilience in a chaotic world.
If you want to call yourself spiritual, then let your actions reflect it. Stand up, speak out, write, or express yourself in the best way you can to make a difference. That’s the true essence of spirituality.
When dictatorship and unemployment prevail and people are crying, nobody will be able to meditate or even think about spirituality. It is the duty of the highly conscious ones to give direction to their communities and spread the light.
Oh! Spiritual Healers, The No. Of Followers You Have!?
Do you know that Jesus Christ, in his time, had only 12 disciples? But he did not stop teaching thinking he only had 12 disciples. Today, we get disheartened thinking about the number of followers we have.
Today, the entire world knows the name of Jesus.
What if Jesus had thought that way?
You never know what legacy you are already creating that will affect generations to come.
Just do whatever you can with whatever you have. Just give your best.
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Kashish Gambhir is Spiritual Consultant from India (29 yrs experience). She helps people find their best spiritual path and technique that may help their soul to progress in the quickest way possible in this very lifetime.
Having walked the spiritual path for more than 25 years, and having explored almost every technique, method and different religions, along with getting training under one of the greatest spiritual teachers, today Kashish can save at least 9–10 years of exploration on one’s spiritual journey.